Friday, April 07, 2006

Telegraph online: do we put too many stories on the homepage?

[Keyword: ]. So reports
"Writing on the Telegraph's Upload news blog, Shane Richmond notes the trend for a wider design, reflecting the popularity of new, wider monitors.

"He also notes's increased multimedia content, its new list of most popular stories and personalisation - a key element of the next generation of the 'Web 2.0' era.

"Mr Richmond says that news sites have a tendency to crowd their front pages with too many stories.

"Is all this counter-productive? Can readers take in all those articles? It's a problem for the triumvirate of design, editorial and advertising to fight over," he writes.

"A print edition relies on two or three great stories on the front because the editor knows that once a reader has bought a newspaper, they tend to settle down and give the rest a good read. That's not what happens with websites, where typical visits are measured in minutes. The response from web designers has been to pack as much on as possible in the hope of luring people deeper into the site. Perhaps a re-think is necessary.""


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