Wednesday, April 06, 2005

News sites must embrace blogs, says Guardian

[Keyword: ]. What everyone else already knows - but it takes a senior figure saying it to get people actually acting...

Guardian Unlimited's assistant editor Neil McIntosh is quoted in as saying two issues are particularly difficult for news sites to overcome when exploring the blog format.
First, the blogosphere is very hostile towards journalists and the mainstream media - as demonstrated by the Rathergate episode last year. US broadcaster CBS sacked four employees after bloggers helped to expose flaws in a story about President Bush's war record.

"Blogs are an editorial innovation, and it's important that we pursue them for that reason. But a blog launch isn't a blog launch without sarcastic comments saying they shouldn't be there."

Second, editors often approach blogs in the wrong way.

"They lean back in their chairs and ask: 'what can blogs do for me when I'm trying to build a brand that will last for 100 years?' Bloggers are undermining that business case," added Mr McIntosh.

"Being an innovator and pushing boundaries is the future," said Mr McIntosh.


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