Monday, December 11, 2006

Canadian citizen journalism website

[Keyword: , , , ]. The editor of has emailed me to alert me to their presence. In her own words:
"We are a citizen journalism news Web site based in Vancouver, Canada that aims to put a human face on the news by showcasing vivid, first-person stories from individuals involved in current events.

"We are driven by the belief that writing in the first person is more compelling than traditional journalism because it almost always requires the inclusion of personality. Third-person “he-said-she-said” reporting can mask the truth while making the reporter’s prejudice appear objective.

"We invite ordinary people to tell their stories for free, letting readers vote on their favourites. The highest-rated stories star on the web site’s main pages, netting citizen journalists’ names high ratings and exposure on web search engines."

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Paul Bradshaw lectures on the Journalism degree at UCE Birmingham media department. He writes a number of blogs including the Online Journalism Blog, Interactive PR and Web and New Media


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