Friday, February 02, 2007


I've bowed to the inevitable and decided to move the Online Journalism Blog to Wordpress. I've had a few good years with Blogger but the relationship never felt like it was going anywhere, and, to be honest, on occasion I even felt ashamed to be seen in public together.

I admit, I was starstruck by the prospect of better Google rankings, but the indie appeal of Wordpress has finally won me over. Oh, and the fact that when Blogger went over to a Google sign-in I couldn't log on at work (I'm sure it's something to do with cookie settings and I could sort it out if I had the time, but no, I'd rather spend endless hours configuring Wordpress to work the same way).

So, if you want to carry on reading my clippings, comments and very occasional flash of insightful analysis, add to your Favourites and to your RSS feed.

I may occasionally still post to Blogger while I figure Wordpress out, but don't hold your breath.

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Paul Bradshaw lectures on the Journalism degree at UCE Birmingham media department. He writes a number of blogs including the Online Journalism Blog, Interactive PR and Web and New Media